Talks command are issues by you pressing the Talks key and then releasing it
and then pressing the 2nd key. The Talks command are not issues by holding
both keys. So as a example if you want to check the battery status! You
would press the Talks key release it, then press SoftKey2 and release it. Do
not hold SoftKey2! That is a different command.
For training mode! You would press the Talks key and release it and then
press 0 and release it. To leave training mode! Issue the same command
Yes you may have noticed! I did hint that holding a key after a Talks
command can give you different results. Hear are just a few examples: Talks
followed bya long press of Up Arrow will spell a line, Talks followed by a
long press of Right arrow will spell the current word, Talks followed by a
long press of SoftKey1 will take you into the Talks settings, Talks followed
by a long press of the number 2 will switch cursors. There are other long
presses as well. They are in the manual.
Hope this information help along with all the other information that other
have provided helps you figgure out what is going on with your phone.
Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.
Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Denise Thompson" <deni...@cox.net>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Talks] questions about the Talks key.
I use the e73 mode every day as my main phone. I don't experience these
issues. After reading your email I tried to duplicate the experience you
describe, but when I press Talks 0 my phone always togles in and out of
training mode. When I press talks and soft key 2 it always reads out the
status. I tried changing the cursor mode but the keys still perform
I don't know if you could be pressing the bluetooth key instead of the 0
by mistake or not. They aren't near each other. The bluetooth togle button
is the 3rd button from the left on the bottom row of keys. First is the
function keys, then the edit key, then the bluetooth on and off key. A
short press of this bluetooth key togles a "reading" light on and off on
the phone screen apparently for folks to using at night. Pressing and
holding that key a second or two togles the bluetooth on and off.
There's really no reason I can think of for your phone to be doing what
you described unless it was programmed wrong at the factory for some
As you first get the phone the talks key is what they call the "home" key.
if you press it twice it takes you back to the stand by screen. Soft key 1
is set as the menu key. I reset soft key 1 to settings which then cause
the talks key to become the menu key if you press talks twice like it is
on many phones. I reset those keys back to their original functions to see
if that would duplicate the issues you describe, but talks 0 worked fine
and talks soft key 2 worked fine in both set-ups.
At 03:13 PM 2/8/2011, you wrote:
I was able to figure out which key was the talks key last night on
my Nokia E73 Mode and started playing around with the manual and my
phone. When I press the Talks key in conjuction with zero to enter
training mode, it toggles my blue tooth on and off, rather than putting
me in training mode. Why is this? It only has let me enter training mode
once. I've also pressed talks plus key two for the battery/signal
strength and it tells me some times and not others. My curser mode is
still original. Do I need to change it for these functions to work
properly? Over all, I'm liking Talks much better than Mobile Speak. I'm
just hoping I can get these issues sorted out so that I can keep Talks.
I'm able to read my e-mail with Talks with no problems. I wasn't able to
do this with Mobile Speak.
Thanks for any help you can provide,
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