Hello cambell,
You can listen music on other program "Power MP3". Version 1.16 is
free. Volume on this player joistic up, down.
On radio you can control volume by remote "hands free", in your include package.
Good luck

Saturday, February 5, 2011, 6:59:09 PM, you wrote:

> My music player has suddenly stopped playing through the phone speaker and
> also through headphones. One day I was trying to increase the volume, which
> was quite low at the time. It would not increase and then the sound stopped
> completely. I am wondering whether the volume control is physically broken
> as it was always quite reluctant to respond and needed considerable
> pressure. We have tried squirting a small amount of switch cleaner into it
> in case there is a dirty contact. My wife says that the message 'muted'
> appears when we press the up or down commands. I know how to unmute TALKS,
> but don't know of any unmuting option for the music player. Can anyone
> suggest a software solution or is it likely to be a physical breakdown
> requiring a repair? Any help would be much appreciated.

> Best wishes,
> Brian. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com
> [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
> Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
> Sent: 05 February 2011 16:46
> To: Talks Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [Talks] New Nokia C5

> Hi John, not Stephen but just to share my experience.  I am wondering if it
> was my earlier comment which prompted Stephen to ask about Branded or
> unbranded.  Mine is a Vodafone C5 and therefore branded.  My firmwqare
> version is the same as yours!  I tried Talks Premium on mine as I was going
> to try it for the 10 day demo and then purchase as I have other handsets
> with Talks Premium. However I was having problems in that I could not access
> Profiles as I kept being thrown back to the standby screen.  When I tried to
> make a call the phone just turned off and back on again!  there was nothing
> for it but to take it in to Vodafone as it was a Vodafone, i.e. branded
> phone and have them put Talks Standard on it for me.  I collected the phone
> yesterday and now there is no problem so they obviously sorted this error.
> I can at least upgrade it to Talks Premium if I feel so inclined.  Like you
> I was
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Farley" <j.far...@btinternet.com>
> To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
> Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 2:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [Talks] New Nokia C5

> Hello Steven,

> I have had some sighted assistance today.

> Here are some details:

> Nokia C5

> Code 059b6q7 - I could find nothing about it being branded via google.

> Firmware version 32.010 - which I have now re-installed. Seems to be the
> current version.

> Talks 5.01 - latest version
> ETI Eloquence V123- have tried both the US and UK versions.
> Have also tried the Nokia TTS which is installed on the phone.

> It does not seem to matter which speech engine I use, The speech crashes
> after a few second of navigating the phone menu.
> Once it has crashed there is no indication on the phone screen about that
> crash.

> Any help will be appreciated.

> Regards, John

> John Farley

> Personal Contact Work contact
> E-Mail: j.far...@btinternet.com    john.far...@saic.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com
> [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
> Behalf Of Stephen Giggar
> Sent: 03 February 2011 00:09
> To: Talks Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [Talks] New Nokia C5

> No John a unlock phone doesn't mean it isn't unbranded phone. A unlocked
> phone just means it can be used on any GSM cell provider. A unbranded phone
> means it has the default Nokia firmware without any cell provider
> customizing.

> What you can do is to have someone read the product code in the battery
> compartment and make note of the first 7 digits of it. It will start with
> 05. Then when you get this product code! You can do a search on it through
> google to see what you can find out about that product code. This is
> probably the easyest way to find out of the phone is branded to a cell
> provider or not.

> Signed: Stephen Giggar
> Skype: dr-phone.

> Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
> No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Farley" <j.far...@btinternet.com>
> To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 5:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [Talks] New Nokia C5

> Hi Steven and thank you.

> I, clearly, agree with your analysis of the software on the phone.

> I did not buy the phone from a phone service supplier.
> I bought the phone from a UK electronics supplier as an unlocked phone. I am
> not clear if that is the same as unbranded.

> Regards, John

> John Farley

> Personal Contact Work contact
> E-Mail: j.far...@btinternet.com    john.far...@saic.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com
> [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
> Behalf Of Stephen Giggar
> Sent: 02 February 2011 23:03
> To: Talks Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [Talks] New Nokia C5

> It sounds like you have the latest version of Talks and the TTS. It also
> sounds like you have the latest firmware on your phone. It could be you have
> a branded phone from a cell provider? Because I know many people who have
> the C5 and do not have any issues like that.

> Signed: Stephen Giggar
> Skype: dr-phone.

> Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
> No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Farley" <j.far...@btinternet.com>
> To: <talks@talksusers.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:43 PM
> Subject: [Talks] New Nokia C5

> Hello List,

> I have just bought a new Nokia C5 phone, unlocked, following a
> recommendation.

> Today I installed Talks Premium 5.01 on it with ETI 123.

> I have registered the phone for a 10 day demo licence.

> Talks seems to crash on a frequent basis, long before anything of use can be
> done.

> For example, I booted the phone up and went into the Talks control panel to
> change speeds etc. Once a got out of that it crashed.

> It does not seem to matter what I do, it crashes.

> I have used the Nokia software updater to check for software. As you may
> well all know, the Nokia PC software is not of good accessible quality. It
> did ask me if I wanted to re-install. I take this to mean that I have the
> current software on the phone.

> Any clues on how to make this phone work with Talks please?

> Regards, John

> John Farley

> Personal Contact Work contact
> Phone : 01442 259243 01442 227731
> VOIPe : 01442 895132
> Mobile: 07815 056076 07785 928755
> Fax :                01442 227601
> E-Mail: j.far...@btinternet.com    john.far...@saic.com

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Best regards,
 Ivailo                            mailto:ivailokovac...@gmail.com

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