Stephen, Well I did manage to install Talks on my own. I had to do a hard
reset on the phone first. I then just kept pressing soft key one. I then had
to play around with trying to select the general profile because for some
reason it came up in either silent or pager profile and wouldn't connect to
Nokia PC suite until I got it into the normal profile. I didn't worry about
the date even though you had said talks wouldn't install without the correct
date. It did install and with a date that was like 2006. I then went in and
fixed the date. 
Here is my issue now that I'm hoping you can shed some light on. I've not
played around all that much with the Xpress yet but I really like it so far.
It is going to be a learning curve. I've had to do a hard reset and
reinstall Talks on the 5800 three times because for no reason that I could
figure out at the time the screen and keyboard would lock up and I would get
a message telling me to press the correct keys to unlock. No key combination
that I could figure out would unlock the phone's screen or keyboard. I also
tried pushing down the lock slider on the side which did nothing. I would
then have no choice but to do a hard reset and start all over. Pulling the
battery did no good either.
I figured out that I must have been sliding down the lock switch to get this
to happen but sliding it down again would not unlock the phone. Have you had
any experience with this happening and is there a way to get the screen and
keyboard to unlock without having to do a hard reset? I did some research
and it looked like this might have been a problem on the 5800 and also the
Any help would be appreciated. I really don't want to have to reset the
phone again. Very time consuming.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Stephen Giggar
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 3:19 PM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Help with installing talks on 5800 Xpress


Are you certain the date is correct? The reason I say this is if you got a
overseas model of the 5800 express music and a sighted person entered the
date like they do for the US version! Then it is incorrect. Example: if they
enter todays date 11/06/2010 on the overseas model of the phone that would
be June 11th 2010 and not November 6th 2010. So what I'm getting at hear is
the date may be incorrect on the phone. Sorry, it sounds like you are going
to need that sighted help that you don't want. <smile>

Myself, when I get a new phone! So I do not have to worry about what format
that models requires I always follow the following. I always enter the date
in so that the Month and day are the same and it is a month/day after the
signed date on the file. So in this case, I would use 11/11/2010. Then I can
correct it after I get the phone up and talking. This saves a lot of

Also keep in mind, the 5800 express music and other newer phones the
automatic lock time is about 40 seconds to about 1 minute. Also when
installing Talks on a touch screen phone unless you know whare the SoftKeys
are it can be hard. This also comes in to knowing whare you need to make
additional selection or not. For Talks, There are no additional selections
to make accept for SoftKey1 for the first 3 screens when installing Talks
and this will very if you are installing over a old copy and or if you get
the prompt to select language. So your best bet would to be keep pressing
SoftKey1 every 5 seconds for about 7 times and just let it install to the
phone memory.

Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Blind Treasures " <>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 7:55 AM
Subject: [Talks] Help with installing talks on 5800 Xpress

> Hi, I just obtained a nokia 5800 Xpress and I'm trying to install the demo
> of talks. The date is correct and I was able to connect the Xpress to 
> nokia
> PC suite. When I start the install however, I'm told to continue the 
> install
> on the phone. I then press soft key one and I can feel it vibrate so I 
> pres
> it. I hear one beep but then after that it is like the keyboard freezes. I
> can run my finger around the screen but I feel no vibrations. If I cancel
> the install the phone will beep so I am figuring it isn't locked up.
> The strange thing is though, when I first turned the Xpress on the lock
> switch on the side vibrated when I pushed it down but now there is no
> feedback when I push the switch down. Is it possible that the lock 
> keyboard
> switch is somehow in a permanent lock state?
> I know that having sighted assistance would solve this issue immediately 
> but
> I have no sighted help at this time and don't know when I can get it so
> wanted to try to get it up and running on my own. Any suggestions would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Tony
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