Hi list.
A while ago I found out about a download manager for s60 third edition
called smart get, I was interested in this as its quite annoying to not
be able to specify to save a file rather than use it for example a sis
installer file.
At the time, I found that the original version was in Russian and did
not include an english translation.
It has taken me a while, but I finally tracked down an english translation.
There are quite a few out there, and in fact I couldn't get most of them
to install on my phone.
I found one today that does install however.
Unfortunately the download manager does not hook downloads from the
browser which is very annoying, as that is one thing I would really like.
However, it does give you the option to enter download urls manually, or
I believe it can hook links from the clipboard.
Either way, I am providing the place where it can be downloaded from.
The application appears fully accessible with talks, a bit of a miracle.
The link to the forum topic where smart get can be downloaded from is
I hope people find the above information useful.
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