Wondering, does anyone know of a download manager for s60 third edition?
I have done some googling and came across one called either smart get or smart download, which is written in python. Unfortunately I got a version to install but it didn't have english as a built in language, so I went hunting for an english translation, and eventually found one but it wouldn't install to my phone, it kept saying installation not supported which seems odd considering the first version installed. I also can't clearly find out what the latest version is, a lot of websites refer to version 3, but I have found some referencing version 5.0, and I am pretty sure they actually mean version 5 and not s60 5th edition. So if anyone knows anything either about this particular download manager in english, or an alternative I might be able to use I would welcome it, as I find it very annoying clicking a sis file from my phone browser and not being given the option to save the file before installation.
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