Well, I figured I'd try both clients before I make up my head. I am confused 
by a few things that Emoze does.

First, when you delete mail using the phone, it still comes down to my 
computer. How can I change this behaviour? It's like I only deleted it off 
the phone, but not off the server. When I would delete email with the nokia 
client, it would actually go bye-bye.

And what exactly does clean up mean in the advanced options?

I can't seem to find anywhere the interval at which Emoze is checking mail.

Finally, for now, one person said that my message was signed by my email 
address. Another said the message disappeared when they tried to expand it. 
situation 2 could have been their error, but could there be anything I did 
that could have caused that? And how do I fix situation 1?

I guess I'll start there. Hope these questions aren't too bone stupid. It 
would be so nice if I could read the built-in help in the program. Curse 
Talks for not being able to read help screens.


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