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> On 2. May 2020, at 22:08, Andrea Musuruane <> wrote:
> I strongly disagree. The title of "città" is not relevant to the 
> classification of a place because it's an honorary title.

I am aware of this. And I admit, looking at some examples of the list in the 
OP, there are some non-città places that might merit a town status in 
OpenStreetMap, going by functional categorization (I find it harder to go the 
other way: tag a place as village which has the città title, although there are 
some examples of città with less than 1000 inhabitants who have it, IIRR). I 
agree with Fintocubano that the presence of amenities like highschools and 
universities, courthouses and other important public functions, important 
churches, marketplaces, theatres, shops with slightly bigger importance than 
just locally, and others are indicators of “town”, especially if there is a 
combination of them, and more than just one, while on the other hand, a big 
factory or shopping mall can also occur in a village or outside of a village, 
just like an airport, which is actually serving a different city but happens to 
be within the administrative territory of a village.

Ciao Martin 
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