Il 18 ottobre 2010 22:41, Luca Delucchi <> ha scritto:
> Il 16 ottobre 2010 12:07, Daniele Forsi <> ha scritto:
>>> Infatti ` possibile
>>> usare i dati OpenStreetMap liberamente per qualsiasi scopo, anche quelli
>>> commerciali, con il solo vincolo di citare il progetto e usare la stessa 
>>> licenza
>>> per eventuali dati derivati.
>> mi sembra che la cosa sia più complicata
> cioè?

rileggendolo va bene, lo spirito è quello, ma mi aveva colpito è la
differenza fra i dati e un lavoro fatto con i dati:

"In the old license, if someone makes a map then they have to share
the map under the same license, but they do not have to directly share
any data they used to make the map. Under the new license, they can
put a map under any license they like, provided that they share any
data enhancements they have made to our data. The main reason for this
is that maps can now be made with layers from incompatible data

"The new license offers clearer protection for OpenStreetMap and
better clarity to end users. The general principles remain the same,
OpenStreetMap data is offered freely for any use under Attribution and
Share Alike terms. One important difference to highlight is that we
will no longer require maps made from our data to be released under
Share Alike conditions. Instead, any license can be used, including
commercial, as long as any enhancements you made to our data is is
shared back as data, for example a file on a website, or, better for
us, directly contributed to OpenStreetMap. This should make it easier
to make maps with layers of data from closed proprietary sources,
something impossible now."

> tutte le altre correzioni le ho fatte; grazie mille daniele

è un piacere

Daniele Forsi

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