Ciao a tutti,
vi inoltro la mail che ho postato su talk transit per dare inizio ad un
progetto di OSM Transit (ricordate la mia presentazione ad OSMit 2010?),
stimolato anche dall'iniziativa milanese oltre che dal lavoro svolto in
questi mesi.
Dopo questa mail ho scoperto due siti interessanti che fanno al caso nostro: e , opensource, supporto
ad OSM e GTFS, multipiattaforma per telefoni cellulari (anche via sms!)
E' il caso di aprire una pagina wiki? chi può dare una mano?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tiziano D'Angelo <>
Date: Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 14:14
Subject: OSM Transit platform: call for action
To: Public transport/transit/shared taxi related topics <>

Hello everybody!

In the past months, as you probably read here, I mapped almost entirely the
bus network of Padova, Italy.
Result: all the stops are there, almost all route relations (except some
variations of a route which happen once a day), now duplicating them with
both directions). I presented my work at OSMit 2010 including a review of
the different tools available with their pro and cons (slideshow available
in Italian here:
Fellow mappers started mapping other towns in Italy (Ferrara, Milan), some
tools were improved a lot: Roland Olbricht added loads of features to the
sketch generator, City Advisor and Metro applications for smartphones
respectively added features to easily import a list of stops with name and
location from OSM in CSV format or updates of the database with my data...

But I realized there was not (or if there is I didn't find it!) a unique
open source platform for public transport but many separated tools, all with
their pro and cons...A unique platform (as Google Transit) would be a killer
application for public transport data on OSM.

Imagine to:

   - view a map of the entire network of a specific area (OPNVKarte,
   OSMTransport, LatLon)
   - specify the desired level of detail showing one, two...all routes
   (OSMTransport) and possibility of showing different renderings
   - click over a line on the map/select the line from a list and see the
   sketch of that line with all the stops and with the desired level of details
   as correspondences, P+R, train stations, etc... (Roland Olbricht Sketch
   - click over a line on the map/select the line from a list to see its
   operating hours, frequency, timetables, wheelchair accessibility and other
   important details (no OSM-derived website supports this at the moment)
   - have door-to-door/stop-to-stop routing using OSM data + timetables or
   frequency information (no no OSM-derived website supports this at the moment
   - for example of competitors: Google Transit,
   - download the data (database, timetables, maps) for use in mobile phones
   with designed applications (for example City Advisor for Windows Mobile) or
   provide a simplified interface for mobile browsers or SMS-based requests.
   - provide local transport authorities tools to render timetables, sketch
   of routes, proximity maps of each stop for internal use or for users at each

all of this on the same platform/website!

Unfortunately, I don't have the programming skills to build such a platform,
but I'm writing here to see if any of you is interested either in the
programming either (like I would do to contribute to the project) in the
testing, support, design, translations and documentation.The project could
be then advertised through local representatives at local transport
authorities so they can adopt it.
In these months I aquired expertise in this field and have found interesting
contacts with possible partners in this project, so I would be delighted to
give my best to make this project possible. A test city could be Padova,
whose local transport authority doesn't have such a tool and which has a
complete mapping of stops.

Waiting for your reactions :)

Talk-it mailing list

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