Thank you very much Marc for your explanation. I understood well the
concept of Overpass Query.

2015-11-30 15:02 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis <>:

> On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 2:47 PM, Yosra Zguira <>
> wrote:
> > I need to get an osm file which contain nodes, ways and relations of
> bicycle
> > stations in Lyon, France. I will use this file for simulation using
> SUMO, so
> > I need to convert it to an .net.xml file. Without relations I can't
> convert
> > it to .net.xml file.
> >
> I saw this question on the help website as well.
> The Overpass query only returns the objects that fulfil the criteria
> that you specify. When there are no relations with the requested tags,
> it will not return relations. Which relations would you expect ?
> With your query you will only receive bicycle rental station, nothing
> else, no roads, no houses, nothing but nodes, ways and relations
> representing bicycle rental stations. When there are no nodes, ways or
> relations with those tags, you will not retrieve nodes or ways or
> relations.
> In case there are no nodes with those tags, but only ways, you still
> retrieve the nodes that are used in the ways, but not other nodes.
> There is no requirement for .osm files to contain relations. In case
> your conversion program needs relations, you will have to add
> something to the file generated by Overpass. But what ? There are no
> relations after all.
> regards
> m
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