
I use the Overpass API to get osm data. I have this query:

*This has been generated by the overpass-turbo wizard.*
*The original search was:*
*“amenity=bicycle_rental and network="Vélo'v" in "Lyon, France"”*
*// fetch area “Lyon, France” to search in*
*{{geocodeArea:Lyon, France}}->.searchArea;*
*// gather results*
*  // query part for: “amenity=bicycle_rental and network="Vélo'v"”*
*  node["amenity"="bicycle_rental"]["network"="Vélo'v"](area.searchArea);*
*  way["amenity"="bicycle_rental"]["network"="Vélo'v"](area.searchArea);*


*// print results*
*out body;*
*out skel qt;*

Whe I ran it, it generated only nodes and ways and not relations.
How can I please modify this query in order to download an osm file which
containes nodes, ways and relations?
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