I agree, but you can't even go in. I've talked to someone, and they said that if you only use the premises for display, you don't have to pay rates. -- Sent from my Android phone with WEB.DE Mail. Please excuse my brevity. On 21/11/2023, 12:59 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
sent from a phone
> On 21 Nov 2023, at 12:47, Niels Elgaard Larsen <elga...@agol.dk> wrote:
> The wiki for Tesla says that Tesla showrooms are tagged shop=car
> A lot of shop=kitchen are really showrooms where you can order a
> kitchen which will be installed in you kitchen. The shop do not actually
> have kitchens for sale in the store.
„ordering“ a kitchen or car in a shop is a sale, IMHO. The word sale does not imply you take the goods away with you immediately, nor that they are necessarily present at the point of sale.
Cheers Martin
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