On Tue, 21 Nov 2023 13:01:32 +0100
Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>sent from a phone
>> On 21 Nov 2023, at 12:47, Niels Elgaard Larsen <elga...@agol.dk>
>> wrote: The wiki for Tesla says that Tesla showrooms are tagged
>> shop=car A lot of shop=kitchen are really showrooms where you can
>> order a kitchen which will be installed in you kitchen. The shop do
>> not actually have kitchens for sale in the store.

I agree with that.

But from the users point of view, there are some implicit expectations
depending of what is sold.

For shop=estate_agent it should be obvious that you do not get anything
physical at the store.

For shop=car it is less clear.
Also for shop=kitchen, some places will sell you a flatpack kitchen,
that you can put in the back of your car.

I once drove to a shop=pet only to find out that it was the office for
a pet webshop that had a small showroom of cat scrathcing pads, etc.

For eg furniture, appliances, bathroom devices, bicycles, glassware
there are showrooms and a user could reasonable expect to be able to go
there and just buy an item.

With more stuff being sold online, we will probably see more showrooms,
and I think we should have a way to tell users if they can buy anything
at a shop, or it is just a showroom.

>„ordering“ a kitchen or car in a shop is a sale, IMHO. The word sale
>does not imply you take the goods away with you immediately, nor that
>they are necessarily present at the point of sale.
>Cheers Martin 
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