Am 11.09.2023 um 23:39 schrieb Graeme Fitzpatrick:
Not arguing, but
oneway:foot = 5024
foot:backward = 394
foot:forward = 300
Personally, I would interpret that as time that the wiki had a
rewrite! :-)
Voted by their "foot" ... ;-) - and I used it too ...
But it is already rewritten:
On Mon, 11 Sept 2023 at 19:19, Martin Koppenhoefer
<> wrote:
as „oneway“ is defined for vehicles only, „oneway:foot“ doesn’t
make a lot of sense. The wiki suggests „foot:backward“ or
„foot:forward“ as alternatives that follow the generic way of
tagging restrictions.
That is the official way - but it will be a long way until the "foot"
will arrive there ...
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