Am 15.08.23 um 14:56 schrieb Greg Troxel:

If there are no objections, I'lpl add a section about the above to the wiki.
I strongly object, because a data router that uses just width will
conclude that the way is usable when it is not.   It is a basic
principle of tagging that data consumers that read the basic tags rather
than the more complicated tags that are less used should not be misled.
Agree completely.
If you want to keep "width=" as the minimum width over the way, and then
add the other things, then I don't see that as really helpful in the
grand scheme, but I don't see it as harmful.  I expect very few
circumstances where it is appropriate, almost no one to tag them, and
almost no routers to implement it.

I would add: I expect many situations where data will be destroyed
afterwards: If ways are split for whatever reason, this would result in
two ways with identical start and end values describing another
situation. (e.g if you have start=2m end=3m you will get the same
section as 2m-3m/2m-3m). You couldn't split a way without measuring the
width at the splitting point - as a mapper you would have to delete the
width:start/end tags if you split a way without knowing the width on
this point, but no one would dare or be aware of it.

=> "... I expect many [or at the moment: all] editors that would destroy
the data."


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