Le 30.07.23 à 20:47, Nick Santos a écrit :
If your question was about a "global data user" and not
a "global database", I think my point still applies -
having the database make the decision
database don't make decision. database store the local decision :)
datause may follow this decision or decide another rule (for ex always
take name:fr first, if missing take name:en, if missing take name:eo,
if missing take name=*, if missing take brand=*)
pick and choose by region.
the current rule is : to choose by region, take name=* !
you're just shifting the problem around :
which """"regional"""" choice should osmcarto make for golf ?
and where will this choice be stored if not in name=* ?
this_is_not_the_name_tag_but_still=* ?
and you still disaggree about it, what's the next step ?
If all data users wanted to make this choice, we wouldn't
be having this discussion and there wouldn't be any editwars
over golf or the ocean.
the fact that there is an editwar shows that there are uses that
don't want to make this choice, or are simply unable to do so
or choice to use the name as set by concensus in name=*
if you want to route a chinese person to "Station street" in Brussels"
how is the application going to guess that the local convention are
to have the name in 2 languages "Rue de la gare - Stationstraat" ?
if you tell me to use default_language="fr - nl" then that shows
that we don't need to delete name :) not to add a fake noname=*
if an American wants to add the name of a street sign in Fribourg,
does he need to have any linguistic knowledge to fill in the name:xx ?
or he just need to read the sign and put in into name=" ? easy !
As for disputed names, the hidden goal "delete unwanted name=*"
doesn't solve anything either !
We haven't solved the problem of disputed borders by deleting
anything, we've added a tag to describe the opinion according
to A and the opinion according to B, which is exactly what exists
with name:X
if you want the name "according to the language foo", look
at name:foo
we also have name:xy-foo if a "part of this language community"
have another name:yx, for ex UN variant
create a disputed_by:name of whatever, but it has nothing
to do with a nameless object, so don't distort noname=* nor
delete name to do this, disputed doesn't mean "noname"
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