Am Fr., 10. März 2023 um 11:35 Uhr schrieb Warin <>:

> Drives like a bus, uses roads like a bus .. it is a bus. There are a few
> permanent ones in my State run by the railways people (usually
> contracted to a local firm) and I'd map them as a bus route.

I agree, these just get blocked in the traffic like any other road based
vehicle, not comparable in any way to the railbased routes they are
replacing (usually for construction work, or short term in case of special
events like police action, fire, bomb alerts, etc.), or comparable only
that they have to face the same amount of passengers as the trains and
therefor tend to be overcrowded :)

I agree with the thread starter that an attribute like
"rail_replacement_service=yes" seems a good way to go, if we map these at
all. From my experience in Berlin and in opposition to what was stated
above, these are not "permanent", but they can last for several years.
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