I see what you are saying, but 'dry swamp' feels slightly odd. Is there
something like 'intermittent wetland' that is more appropriate?

On Sat, 11 Feb 2023, 10:11 Warin, <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The ‘dry swamp’ has no apparent way to tag it. These will not be found in
> Europe, just as you don’t find deserts there.
> They have occasional water, not seasonal, not yearly but, say, between 5
> to 20 years they have water. As such they do not satisfy the OSM swamp
> definitions at all.
> See https://theconversation.com/why-a-wetland-might-not-be-wet-103687 for
> more on their characteristics, at least in Australia. OSM has access to a
> imagery source in Australia that maps them, so OSM has a legal source for
> them. What is needed is a tag for them, say, ‘natural=dry_swamp’???
> There are ~ 4,000 of these ‘natural=mud’ mapped so far that are in fact
> ‘dry swamps’. Note that the tag natural=mud  wiki says “This tag should not
> be used for areas with intermittent water cover which are water covered or
> completely dry most of the time.” So this tagging is incorrect as they are
> dry most of the time…
> There are more in existence but not mapped.
> Sample https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/
> <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/1143825454>1143851993
> <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/1143851993>
> Any thoughts?
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