The ‘dry swamp’ has no apparent way to tag it. These will not be found in Europe, just as you don’t find deserts there.

They have occasional water, not seasonal, not yearly but, say, between 5 to 20 years they have water. As such they do not satisfy the OSM swamp definitions at all.

See for more on their characteristics, at least in Australia. OSM has access to a imagery source in Australia that maps them, so OSM has a legal source for them. What is needed is a tag for them, say, ‘natural=dry_swamp’???

There are ~ 4,000 of these ‘natural=mud’ mapped so far that are in fact ‘dry swamps’. Note that the tag natural=mud  wiki says “This tag should not be used for areas with intermittent water cover which are water covered or completely dry most of the time.” So this tagging is incorrect as they are dry most of the time…

There are more in existence but not mapped.

Sample <>1143851993 <>

Any thoughts?
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