I'm not saying a key like drone=* (as a "verb," like "to drone here, whether or 
not...?") is or isn't a good fit for OSM.  I am wondering if it is a good fit, 
I honestly don't know.  The number of 
 boggles my mind, but I could imagine something gets shoehorned into an OSM tag 
(-ging scheme), if one was really insistent upon doing this.

It is an "odd" fit, though.  There are places you are not allowed to 
hang-glide, paraglide or pilot other aircraft, but (as a pilot of such craft) 
it is up to me to know how, where and whether I might fly in any given 
location.  Same with drones.  I wouldn't expect OSM to tell me definitively one 
way or another whether I should or shouldn't, it simply doesn't seem like the 
correct database in which I'd reach as the first place to look for such 
guidance.  But, I don't want to stand in the way of "progress," if that's what 
someone wants to do.  Good luck.  It seems complicated, but I suppose "if you 
build it they will come."  A good match (key, tagging scheme) for OSM?  I don't 
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