Hi Volker,

Le jeu. 12 janv. 2023 à 12:02, Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> The present vs future tagging table is flawed.
> The landuse column shows values that are rarely used. Industrial=water
> (500 uses) in practice is tagged as man_made=water_works (30k+ uses).
> "sewerage" land use exists and is in practice tagged as
> man_made=wastewater_plant (75k uses).

man_made=water_works isn't relative to the activity for which the land is
It is a feature combined with its perimeter.

As mentioned during RFC, we miss a scope to allow mappers to state "it's
water stuff" without knowing as much about what is going on exactly there.
man_made=water_works isn't the only possible value, there is
man_made=pumping_station, man_made=covered_reservoir...
utility=water is way simpler and cover them all.

> Generally speaking I don't like the proposals of "wiki gardening" that
> result in mappers being confronted with lists of "deprecation" warnings
> every time they upload changesets that regard completely unrelated features.
> Maybe I am atypical as I often map road features of interest to cyclists,
> and I notice a steady increase of deprecation warnings.

Isn't this tagging gardening instead of wiki gardening?
It is actually possible in editors to disable warning on untouched features
to stop being warned this way.

Best regards

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