The present vs future tagging table is flawed. The landuse column shows values that are rarely used. Industrial=water (500 uses) in practice is tagged as man_made=water_works (30k+ uses). "sewerage" land use exists and is in practice tagged as man_made=wastewater_plant (75k uses).
Generally speaking I don't like the proposals of "wiki gardening" that result in mappers being confronted with lists of "deprecation" warnings every time they upload changesets that regard completely unrelated features. Maybe I am atypical as I often map road features of interest to cyclists, and I notice a steady increase of deprecation warnings. Il giorno gio 12 gen 2023 alle ore 10:47 François Lacombe <> ha scritto: > Dear all, > > The vote is now open on the Utility facilities proposal > > > The rationale gives many details about what it’s all about: providing > consistent tagging across several features to describe in which essential > infrastructure activity they are involved in. > > It is also proposed to replace existing tagging that was created with less > global logic in mind. As utility=* key is now available, it is possible to > bring more consistency in our tagging practice. > I don’t plan to make a bot or mass edit to make this replacement. Quality > control and editors presets will encourage mappers to carefully replace > replaced tags when they found them. > > Feel free to vote at the bottom of the page following provided directions. > > Voting as also been announced here > > > > Best regards > > François > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > > >
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