Le 07.01.23 à 18:39, Cartographer10 via Tagging a écrit :
For proposal authors, it means that they don't specifically have to interact with the ML.

that is what I call a fragmentation, that's what happend
with the fragmentaiton of the fr community

There are people who feel discouraged to make a proposal because of the ML 

you say it again but i have never seen a proposal write that is blocked because the person did not post to the mailing list. if that was the case, you propose to post to the mailing list. so this problem does not exist. it would be really beneficial not to contradict you. the only consequence of an acceptance of this proposal will be that some proposals will be discussed *only* on the forum (because as you say some don't want to discuss on the list AND because there is an impatience to discuss the proposals there even if the forum is currently failing for a correct use by email).

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