On 03/01/2023 22:42, Illia Marchenko wrote:
Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com>:
A suggestion on the forum of amenity=training for the first-air
training side of things + a description of everything else.
Note that the proposal for amenity
=training was rejected.
To be clear, what was rejected was the wiki page at
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/training because
it suggested deprecating a bunch of other tags. There are still 3k
https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/amenity=training in use, and it
still may be the best fit for "training" if there is an outward-facing
training facility that doesn't really fit anywhere else.
"office=company" would surely work for the main office though.
Best Regards,
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