Maybe it would be more like an amenity=ambulance_station? -- Sent from my Android phone with WEB.DE Mail. Please excuse my brevity. On 03/01/2023, 07:10 Graeme Fitzpatrick <> wrote:
Tried asking about this on the Community but no response so I'll bring it out here.
In the process of clearing Notes & found one referring to this business: It’s a private business that does first aid training, but also provides ambulances to attend sporting events, does patient transport between hospitals or hospital > home, & even takes doctor’s around acting as mobile clinics!
What to tag them as?
Talk:Tag:emergency=ambulance station - OpenStreetMap Wiki says it is for emergency vehicles only, NOT patient transport?
I wouldn’t call it a medical centre, as by their description, they don’t have doctor’s there, they only transport them.
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