On Dec 18, 2022, at 3:06 PM, Jens Glad Balchen <balc...@saint-etienne.no> wrote:
> I don't know how you would tell the difference, apart from the lack of 
> sidewalk=separate on the carriageway.

Right, this can be problematic, both for pedestrians (who might not know "the 
law" or "what pedestrian access am I actually allowed here?") as well as for 
OSM (how to tag?)

"Quacks like a duck" tests are good, though I think OSM can do better at 
specifying and realizing explicit tags — or implicit tags, because of 
well-understandable rules that a parser/router/renderer/use case can implement. 
 We seem to have a fair distance still to go here, as while Brian's question 
seems it is getting some answers (how you feeling about those, Brian?) it also 
seems like it's getting some "what about easements...?" side-discussion, as 
well.  There are likely other subtle issues here to be addressed, I think there 
are parts of the world where even what we've said so far won't completely 
describe the real-world fully or even sufficiently.

It's seldom easy around here!  But I'm delighted to be exchanging this 
roll-up-our-sleeves discussion as we do.
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