> Deal?
You appeared to have ignored the advice that you were given and gone
ahead and performed a mechanical edit anyway.
I only spotted it by accident when I noticed that the documented keys
that I was using**** which used to have data in them no longer did:
* https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag%3Adiplomatic%3Dambassadors_residence
* https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag%3Adiplomatic%3Dconsulate_general
* https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag%3Adiplomatic%3Dhigh_commission
* https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag%3Adiplomatic%3Dhonorary_consulate
** One of these (and only one) -
- has an entry at
. I cannot see any discussion regarding this (2022) change. You did
try this previously
and were reverted
because you did not discuss it then. You then created
and received broad support for it
, but then it went quiet.
However - nothing whatsoever about the others. You didn't bother to
wait for a reply to the message below, you (and
https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/zorglubu , who actually created the
maproulette automated edit challenges***) just went ahead and did the
changes anyway.
*** See
Quoting from my comment there "[challenges] 24298, 24297, 24296 and
24295 look like just trying to change one set of tags for another":
id 24298
name "Replace the diplomatic=ambassadors_residence tag with
diplomatic=embassy + embassy=residence"
id 24297
name "Replace diplomatic=delegation with diplomatic=embassy +
id 24296
name "Replace diplomatic=permanent_mission with diplomatic=embassy +
id 24295
name "Replace diplomatic=high_commission with diplomatic=embassy +
Clearly "replace tag X with tag Y" IS a just mechanical edit.
**** Browse to
https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/projects/someoneelse_style#tags and
sort by "count" ascending. Note the documented tags (tick in the "wiki"
column" with zero usage now.
Now we have a mess - we have unused but documented tags like
and used but undocumented ones like
(to be fair, that tag change was done by a different mapper - see
https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4773735650/history - but in exactly
the same way, undiscussed mechanical edit by maproulette)
Normally I'd suggest just reverting your undiscussed mechanical edits
(like Frederik did before), but this far on from the change I'm not
convinced that would be the best approach. Despite no other data
consumers other than me being registered as using those tags
https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/embassy=mission#projects there
may well be others and a change back may cause as many problems as your
edits have caused me. What it would make sense to do is for you to
document the mechanical edits that you have performed, and fill in any
gaps in documentation in the wiki. Please, if you feel tempted to do
this again, follow
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Automated_Edits_code_of_conduct .
Best Regards,
On 31/01/2022 17:19, Florian LAINEZ wrote:
* An OSMer with considerable experience of this area has written
about this in the past:
Thanks for the link, I'm already in touch with apm-wa regarding the
diplomatic tagging on-going work
(which is linked from the above) does contain a lot more detail -
it says things like "diplomatic:services:citizen_services=yes/no -
Availability of passport and other document services, for citizens
of the sending country of the diplomatic office"
That is done by choice: more detailed tags such as
diplomatic:services:citizen_services=yes/no is not part of these
specific tasks in order to remain focused and avoid mistakes.
However, I'm not convinced that relatively new mappers (who are
the target of MapRoulette after all) are going to do much of that
or even understand it, and I'm worried that it'll end up as a
mechnical-turk-driven "search and replace".
After your feedback, I've done some extra testing. Here's my feedback:
- diplomatic=ambassadors_residence : the challenge is ready to publish
- diplomatic=delegation : the challenge is ready to publish
- diplomatic=high_commission : the challenge is ready to publish
- diplomatic=permanent_mission : most of the cases are in New-York :
the challenge is ready to publish or we could also consider a
mechanical edit
- diplomatic=permanent_mission : I found several wrongly tags
examples, this should be handled only be experienced mappers
- non_diplomatic : should be managed by experienced mappers only
Le sam. 29 janv. 2022 à 07:17, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
<tagging@openstreetmap.org> a écrit :
Jan 28, 2022, 23:37 by graemefi...@gmail.com:
On Sat, 29 Jan 2022 at 04:57, Andy Townsend
<ajt1...@gmail.com> wrote:
* An OSMer with considerable experience of this area has
written about this in the past:
Nice clear explanation, from somebody who well & truly knows
the subject!
Is it permitted to link to that diary entry from the wiki?
Yes, it is 100% fine, welcome, desirable and useful to link relevant
diary entries, mailing list threads and other materials.
(as citation in <ref>citation</ref> or in external links section
are the
most typical)
Feel free to improve wiki, this is very useful!
Tagging mailing list
*Florian Lainez*
@overflorian <http://twitter.com/overflorian>
Tagging mailing list
Tagging mailing list