Vào lúc 19:02 2022-11-12, Graeme Fitzpatrick đã viết:
On Sun, 13 Nov 2022 at 10:37, António Madeira
<mailto:antoniomade...@gmx.com>> wrote:
I don't know of any charity which buys items to then resell or
distribute them, although that can happen in some obscure situation.
There's that international thing appearing again!
In Australia, /every/ (or at least the vast majority?) charity shop
takes your no longer needed clothes, toys, kitchenware etc to sell, &
then use the resulting money to fund their activities. Very few of the
donated items are ever passed directly to the homeless / needy.
Right, this is true in the U.S. in the vast majority of cases. Some
charities like Goodwill have an additional charitable aspect of
employing underprivileged and disabled people to staff the back
operations, sorting and preparing the goods for retail.
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