On 29/6/21 16:35, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
sent from a phone
On 29 Jun 2021, at 01:52, bkil <bkil.hu...@gmail.com> wrote:
Could you please share an example of how you would tag a soccer club
with a billiards table (access=customers) on a given floor inside a
building way. Other parts of the building are used by other POI.
the tag is level, same level same floor
Please also consider that there can be 2 POI on the same floor
equidistant to the billiard table, only one of which is the club in
question, how would a data user (or just me looking at the data) know
which POI I need to visit to play pool?
you must represent the POIs as areas, inside the area and on the same level
means it is there
The POI can be nodes as an alternative to areas. Makes mapping them
easier and suggests the lack of precision in x y location.
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