Vào lúc 09:36 2022-11-04, Anne-Karoline Distel đã viết:
The point I was trying to make is that in the iD editor, the field
"inscription" comes up as a default and is mis-used for descriptions. I
would like to see a way to prevent that.
Obviously, a signpost has an inscription, but that field maybe comes up
for signpost which I would presume is the primary key. I usually map
signposts/ guideposts in situ rather than in iD, so I don't know off the
top of my head what fields come up for it.
The Inscription field is only included in certain presets. The only
non-historic=* presets that have this field are:
amenity=bench (hidden by default)
amenity=clock display=sundial
man_made=survey_point (hidden by default)
tourism=artwork artwork_type=bust
It is also included in the preset for historic=*. However, that fallback
preset only appears if the feature isn't tagged with anything else that
matches a preset. It won't appear for example on a feature tagged
historic=manor or a feature tagged building=detached historic=aircraft.
It isn't included in the preset for tourism=information
You can verify which fields are included in which presets by searching
the id-tagging-schema repository. [1] As Mateusz said, please open an
issue in this repository if you believe the field is included in any of
these presets inappropriately. If you have evidence that users
frequently confuse Inscription with Description, please include it in
your bug report.
Off the top of my head, one solution could be to make Inscription an
initially hidden field on some of these presets where an inscription is
less likely, or to make Description an initially visible field alongside
Inscription. As far as I can tell, there's nothing strictly limiting
inscription=* to historic inscriptions, so I think it would be
reasonable to use it on the traffic_sign=* node of a nonstandard sign
[2] or on a historically unremarkable advertising=sign.
[1] https://github.com/openstreetmap/id-tagging-schema/search?q=inscription
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