On 11/10/22 10:19, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
this is not a redefinition, it is already like this. man_made=water_tap describes a water tap.

man_made=water_tap is de facto being used to describe larger structures that contain a water tap. This wouldn't be a problem if there was a way to actually describe those features.

a feature for washing clothes for me is not a "fountain", it is a lavoir, a laundry sink, or something similar.
Some are indistinguishable from drinking fountains, some have drinking water and can be used to wash clothes as well.

I do not understand what "fountains to clean people" are, could you give an example?
I had a walk the other day, you may look at these two pictures I took.



the word "style", if used in opposition to "type", suggests something like "fashion" to me, or art/architectural epoche style (e.g. art deco, modern, post-modern, renaissance, barocco, etc.)
Agreed, style is not a good name for such key.

Introduction of the key tap=yes, used to describe if the flow of a
fountain can be controlled by the user.
is already introduced
Not really, tap=yes has 347 uses and it's used only regionally in Dominican Republic to tag the presence of taps in a building.

- It is not used to mark the presence of a tap in a fountain

- It is not approved

- It is not documented on the wiki.

Refer here: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2022-October/065939.html

it is already introduced, 953 instances as of now, but actually it may create problems for example in the case of a "decorative drinking fountain", and because "decorative" is not clearly defined. Maybe this situation could be improved.
Sure, I meant documenting it in the wiki and finding solutions for these edge cases. If my idea was already a perfect full blown proposal I would have published the proposal already.

yet another generic type, even more generic then "drinking"?
fountain=drinking is not generic enough, since there are types of non decorative fountains that cannot be tagged in any way.

Refer here: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2022-October/065936.html

my suggestion would be to have other generic values, but slightly more specific than "utility", to cover the cases that are not yet covered by the documented values.
I do agree, and that is also my objective; but I do like the idea of having a very generic value you can fall back to when no other value applies.

this alternative tagging is just a temporary hickup which will wash out automatically I guess, but we could try to speed it up.
Sure, but I see no reason for showing it on the wiki.

On the other hand, people using the same tag for (also only slightly) different things, is a huge problem and leads to ambiguity and cannot be solved automatically, all instances have to looked at again
I understand the problem, but I do not wish to start looking at all possible existing fountain types in the world to make an exhaustive list. Especially when people here start fighting about the specific name of a fountain meant for drinking.

no it cannot. There are many fountains made of stone, but not all them are instances of "stone block".
The value is ambiguous: it is described as any fountain that consists mostly of a stone block. It may be a decorative fountain or a drinking fountain or another type of fountain.

As you said:

using the same tag for (also only slightly) different things, is a huge problem

Regarding the proposal: I would not make a big proposal package which aims at changing all the things you mention, rather I would suggest to make distinct proposals for each of these changes.
I think I will follow your advice. I'm currently thinking of two separate proposals: one for introducing the fountains model (or whatever new key we decide to introduce) and another one to introduce tap=* as a way to describe the presence of a tap in a fountain. (Please, discuss about these things in the thread wherever it is and not here)

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