Do you know if a tag already exist to describe the presence of a
tap in a building ?
a tap like the one used in man_made=water_tap ?
I'm not exactly sure what it is describing, I should contact the people
who added those tags...
I assume in the case of fuel stations it means there is water available,
maybe for cleaning a car or something like this.
In the case of other buildings they tag it together with
drinking_water=yes, so I guess in this case it means there are sinks or
something like that in the building.
I was think about a proposal about water_tap
If you wish, you can contact me privately and we can discuss on the
points I'm unsure about the proposal I'm writing and find better
solutions together.
I feel that writing on this mailing list is not such a good way to find
good solutions to problems, while it appears a wonderful place to find
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