> 16 dec. 2020 kl. 17:25 skrev Tomas Straupis <tomasstrau...@gmail.com>:
> What about maps made according to Cartographic conventions?
>  You know, something on the lines of: https://map.geo.admin.ch 
> <https://map.geo.admin.ch/> Would
> it be possible to make maps of such quality writing general queries
> like natural=water?

Could you elaborate a bit on what cartographic features on that map are 
possible or impossible with the different reservoir tagging schemes? Being 
Swedish, not Swiss, makes it hard for me to know what to look for.

(For the record, I have no particular opinion in this question, except that I 
think OSM should immediately adapt its tagging to the Swedish Terrängkartan, T5 
edition, but I think that’s going to be a hard sell! :-) )

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