Dec 16, 2020, 16:49 by

> 2020-12-16, tr, 17:04 Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging rašė:
>> I agree that it is useful only for primitive rendering of water areas
>> (that possibly filters water areas by area but does not distinguish
>> between lakes and rivers). It may be worth mentioning.
>> But it is also the most typical and common way of rendering things.
> How do you decide that it is most typical and common way of rendering things?
>  ALL maps I created or seen in GIS/Cartography world, be it online or
> printed, interpret water classes differently, especially
> basins/riverbanks... 
Then I can you show some map style that do it differently and 
render all types of water areas in the same way (some 
render also labels in the same way, with exception
for linear features) 

In contrast 
appears to distinguish seas/oceans

> Best system is to use codes, not names for keys/values, but that is a
> totally different "saga".
Feel free to propose this one.
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