> Anders Torger <and...@torger.se> hat am 11.12.2020 17:07 geschrieben:
> The least bad way I've come up with is to just name all polygons 
> belonging to the same wetlands the same,

That is widely considered to be the correct way.  It is established practice 
that mapping things like forest, wetland, farmland etc. can be split to 
differentiate tagging (like leaf_type, wetland type, crop etc.).  The name tag 
is then applied to all components.  Same as for waterways or roads where you 
can also split and apply the name to the components.

This also matches the general concept in OSM that names are typically local 
properties and only locally verifiable.  The Rhine river is called Rhein in 
Koblenz but Rhin in Strasbourg and Rijn in Rotterdam.

Christoph Hormann 

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