Note in some regions where blackout are often happening it
is quite typical to have both grid connection and backup 

Is it also typical in hospitals, some factories and other places
where power loss would be especially problematic (what includes
also for example dams, even ones with their own hydro-power generators).

Nov 3, 2020, 14:08 by

> Hi,
> While the original proposal did specify that generators are      usually 
> diesel, broadening the definition would only lead to a      loss of detail, 
> but the tagging would still be correct. I'm      hesitant to use > offgrid>  
> as a building that has, for      example, a grid connection with solar panels 
> on the roof would      then be tagged as > electricity=grid;offgrid>  instead 
> of > electricity=grid;generator> .      The former is illogical. 
> However, I don't have any experience in developing countries: is      it 
> easier to verify if something is off-grid compared to if it is      connected 
> to a generator? And, would it be necessary to      differentiate between 
> local grids (i.e. 2-3 generators, no      substations, transfromers, etc.) 
> and national grids? Perhaps then      a network tag would be useful, i.e. 
> network=national, local,      regional similar to the way cycle networks are 
> mapped?
> A further suggestion was to change the tagging to>  > 
> electricity:grid=yes/no/backup>  and/or > 
> electricity:generator=yes/no/backup> . This might be      less ambiguous for 
> tagging amenities or buildings that get      electricity from both sources 
> and would then be more consistent      with tagging such as > 
> electricity:generator:origin=diesel>  when, e.g. a building has a backup 
> diesel generator but is      connected to the grid. Unfortunately, it would 
> then not be      consistent with the use by the Healthsites Mapping Project,  
>     although this already has the inconsistent > electricity=none>  tag which 
> should probably be changed directly to > electricity=no.>  
> Cheers, Lukas
> On 03/11/2020 07:14, Dolly      Andriatsiferana wrote:
>> Hi all, 
>> Thanks a lot Lukas for reworking this proposal.
>> I like Joseph's idea of >> electricity=grid/offgrid/yes/no>>  if          
>> you're introducing >> electricity:origin=>> *. 
>> I'd suggest dropping the generator value as it brings          confusion and 
>> can be difficult to verify. Originally          electricity=generator seemed 
>> to be intended for diesel          devices, but I think we should use 
>> something like          electricity:origin=diesel for it instead.
>> @Volker, I understand the tag might be less relevant in          developed 
>> countries where it is normal to have electricity.          But electricity 
>> availability is an important information in          many developing 
>> countries (like mine) where most of the          population is not connected 
>> to the electricity grid. It would          be useful for health facilities 
>> and accommodation buildings...          - See Healthsites' data model at >> 
>> where the tag is used.
>> Good job, Lukas!
>> -->>  
>> Dolly Andriatsiferana
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2020 at 4:11 AM          Lukas Richert <>> 
>>>> > wrote:
>>> And, final email, I reworked the proposal page to include              
>>> tagged examples and explained some implicit defintions in              more 
>>> detail.
>>> Cheers
>>> On 30/10/2020 13:44, Lukas Richert wrote:
>>>> Since a lot of people apparently didnt see the RFC the                
>>>> first time, I'll go back to RFC status for now. (I                thought 
>>>> the threads were sorted by subject title of the                email and 
>>>> didnt check online if it was actually visible.                )
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> The original message: 
>>>> Hello all, 
>>>>  after the comments on the confusing nature of the word                
>>>> 'source' in my original proposal of                'electricity:source', I 
>>>> have now changed the name to                'electricity:origin' as 
>>>> suggested on the discussion                page. Furthermore, I would like 
>>>> to revive and extend the                proposal of the key 'electricity' 
>>>> as this previously                conflicted with parts of the 
>>>> electricity:source proposal                and was not consistent. 
>>>>  Both proposal pages: 
>>>>  [1] >>>> 
>>>>  [2] >>>> 
>>>>  The idea now is to allow for the tagging of buildings or                
>>>> amenities that have electricity. The rationale is                described 
>>>> in more detail at [1]. Tags such as access,                fee, schedule 
>>>> and origin can then narrow down the                availability to the 
>>>> public and the question of financial                or direct origin of 
>>>> the electricity. 
>>>>  This is distinct from the drafted tag power_supply as it                
>>>> is used to describe the type of sockets used at a                specific 
>>>> outlet. The values for that tag are still                currently under 
>>>> discussion. 
>>>>  I would also not tag this as a subset of power=* as this                
>>>> maps the facilities and features that relate to the                
>>>> generation and distribution of electrical power and                should 
>>>> not be used to map the consumers of electricity.
>>>> I am eager to hear the feedback to the revised                proposals!
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Also, perhaps relevant: both the  >>>> power_supply 
>>>> <>>>>>  and >>>> 
>>>> socket <>>>>>                
>>>>   keys describe the same feature. power_supply so far has                
>>>> occasionally been used in the manner that electricity                
>>>> proposes to be. Unfortunately, the proposal for                
>>>> power_supply is relatively inconsistent. I think the                
>>>> socket:* tag is better thought out and also currently                more 
>>>> used. I would be in favor of deprecating                power_supply and 
>>>> separating the two meanings it                currently has into 
>>>> electricity=* and socket:*=#.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Lukas
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