Hi Volker,
the tag is meant for any buildings or amentities where it would be
helpful for the public or humanitarian teams to know the availability of
I feel this is a silly argument. In the same way that the existence of
the tag height=* does not demand that every building needs to be
precisely measured, this tag is intended for use when it is relevant.
When it /is/ relevant there should be an agreed upon standard in OSM
however. Currently, there is no such tag available, even though
electricity is arguably one of our most used and depended upon resources.
I would say this tag is primarily important in countries where a
national grid does not exist everywhere and for amenities where the
electricity provider is not necessarily given, e.g. at campsites or
charging stations. Another relevant building would be hospitals and
other services that would be important in emergency situations.
Finally, there is tagging available for e.g. internet connection, waste
disposal areas, postal delivery amenities etc. Similarly, publically
consumed electricity should also be taggable. Whiile waste_disposal
(bins) and postal services (mail boxes) are tagged by location,
resources available in an area, such as internet access and electricity
should be tagged on the relevant service provider (i.e. building).
If I have somehow misunderstood your point, then I apologize, but I hope
this addressed your concerns.
Cheers, Lukas
On 30/10/2020 14:46, Volker Schmidt wrote:
I am confused on what the tag electricity= is intended for.
You say in the first of the two proposals:
" The parent key electricity
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:electricity> would be used to
tag the availabilty and source of electricity, i.e. whether a building
or amenity has electricity. The availability of this electricity to
the public, either for free or for a fee, would be determined by the
typical access <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access> and
fee <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:fee> tags."
So let's go to the practical side:
My home is an average single family house in an average city in an
average country in Europe.
As for 99.9% of the buildings in this country it is connected to the
(national) electricity grid, hence electricity=grid.
But I do not sell electricity to the public, and I do not offer a free
electricity supply to the public, hence it would be
So we will start a major campaign to add the two tags to 99.9% of the
buildings in my country? This cannot be done automatically, as there
are the odd (for the time being) buildings that are autonomous with,
for example, solar + battery.and other odd arrangements.
I am sure that you have thought of that and the intention is to put
the electricity= tag only on some categories of buildings in those
areas of the world where it is normal to be connected to the grid, but
Going on from there, what about other services like drinking water,
sewage, surface water drainage, television antennas, Internet
connection, postal delivery services, garbage collection, and so on?
I have to confess, I only have questions, but no answers.
On Fri, 30 Oct 2020 at 13:47, Lukas Richert <lrich...@posteo.de
<mailto:lrich...@posteo.de>> wrote:
Since a lot of people apparently didnt see the RFC the first time,
I'll go back to RFC status for now. (I thought the threads were
sorted by subject title of the email and didnt check online if it
was actually visible. )
The original message:
Hello all,
after the comments on the confusing nature of the word 'source' in
my original proposal of 'electricity:source', I have now changed
the name to 'electricity:origin' as suggested on the discussion
page. Furthermore, I would like to revive and extend the proposal
of the key 'electricity' as this previously conflicted with parts
of the electricity:source proposal and was not consistent.
Both proposal pages:
[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/electricity
The idea now is to allow for the tagging of buildings or amenities
that have electricity. The rationale is described in more detail
at [1]. Tags such as access, fee, schedule and origin can then
narrow down the availability to the public and the question of
financial or direct origin of the electricity.
This is distinct from the drafted tag power_supply as it is used
to describe the type of sockets used at a specific outlet. The
values for that tag are still currently under discussion.
I would also not tag this as a subset of power=* as this maps the
facilities and features that relate to the generation and
distribution of electrical power and should not be used to map the
consumers of electricity.
I am eager to hear the feedback to the revised proposals!
Also, perhaps relevant: both the power_supply
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:power_supply> and socket
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:socket> keys describe
the same feature. power_supply so far has occasionally been used
in the manner that electricity proposes to be. Unfortunately, the
proposal for power_supply is relatively inconsistent. I think the
socket:* tag is better thought out and also currently more used. I
would be in favor of deprecating power_supply and separating the
two meanings it currently has into electricity=* and socket:*=#.
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