On Sat, 31 Oct 2020 at 08:42, Steve Doerr <doerr.step...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 29/10/2020 16:50, Lukas Richert wrote:
> > as I've received no further comments to the proposal and all points
> > brought up should be resolved,
> > https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/electricity is
> > open for voting now.
> >
> I see some evidence of voting, but it's in a section entitled 'Comments
> from voting 29-30 October'. Is there really only two days of voting on
> this application, and are votes considered 'Comments on voting'? It
> seems a bit misleading to me. Also, aren't there usually some
> instructions on how to vote? I find it a bit strange that people are
> actually replying to other people's votes - is that normal?

Lukas moved it back from Voting to Proposed, so voting is paused/stopped,
after more RFC time has passed it might open back up for voting.

I think it's fine to comment on other people's votes, usually to raise a
point or concern about their reasoning or justification. If I vote no and
give my reasons, but someone sees a flaw or mistake in my reasons I'd like
them to comment back to me so I'm aware of that and can re-assess my voting
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