Hey all, I would like to invite you to discuss a proposal for "parking = street_side" for areas suitable or designated for parking, which are directly adjacent to the carriageway of a road and can be reached directly from the roadway without having to use an access way: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/parking%3Dstreet_side
The proposed tagging can be used on separate parking areas as well as with the parking:lane-scheme. It aims not only to differentiate such street-accompanying parking areas from others, especially "parking=surface", but also addresses a contradiction in the current use of the amenity=parking and parking:lane-scheme, which I would like to mention briefly at this point: the use of "layby"/"lay_by". The value "layby" was originally intended for forms of resting places, as they seem to be especially common in rural areas of Great Britain, Ireland or the US: short-stop rest-areas along through-traffic roads intended for breaks during a car-trip (see Wikipedia for a definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rest_area#Lay-bys). On areas with "amenity=parking" this key is also used in this sense (and mostly in Great Britain). Within the parking:lane-schema, however, the value "lay_by" (written with an underscore) has gained acceptance. According to the Wiki, this value is defined identically to the layby's mentioned above. Its actual use, however, differs from this and includes mainly street-side parking, as we address them in our proposal. With our proposal, we also want to resolve this contradiction. Above all, however, we would like to create more clarity about different types of parking in order to be able to distinguish between them. looking forward to your opinions and discussions, - Alex - (and Jeroen Hoek, another author of this proposal)
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