On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 at 19:45, Robert Delmenico <rob...@rtbk.com.au> wrote:

> Ballarat in Victoria has kerb side parking where the first hour is free.
> There is some more information available here:
> https://www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/city/parking/smarter-parking-ballarat#:~:text=Your%20first%20hour%20of%20parking,the%20Central%20Square%20car%20park%20
> .

The wiki is not the clearest on this

You can do `parking:condition:left=ticket` +
`parking:condition:left:conditional=free @ (maxstay > 1 hour)` though not
sure if that's the best, but the best I can tell from the wiki.

disc is not defined, I'd never heard of the term before and
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disc_parking isn't that clear. It would be
good if people using this would put a bit more detail on the OSM wiki of
where it should be used. Is it only where the physical "disc" is used? Does
it imply a fee or not, does it imply a maxstay?
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