Wieland, I don't have good answers to offer to you for your other questions.  
However, I would say (as others have) that "direct_marketing" absolutely IS 
"confusing," I go so far as to say "incorrect" in these circumstances.  The 
term "direct_marketing" is used in various dialects of English around the world 
as meaning something wholly different than your proposed usage here.  So, I 
(and others) ask you to please deprecate any consideration of using the tag 
"direct_marketing" in your proposal.

Good luck crafting the correct set of tags you strive to achieve to describe 
the set of semantics you have.  This is often not easy work, as you have 
discovered.  However, with some effort (collaboration with others helps, this 
discussion list is a good start) it can be done.  You might need a combination 
of existing tags, perhaps a combination of new tags or new values on existing 
tags, but such "syntax crafting" (tag development with thoughtful key:value 
pairs and how to use them) is often long and somewhat difficult work, 
especially to gain first understanding and then consensus among our community.  
Take into account "what already is" in OSM, and if you seem to need to "tag 
your way around this" you might be on the wrong track.  But if you find a 
certain harmony with existing tags, keep working in that direction as it is 
often a more correct track, especially for people to understand.  And often, 
with understanding comes acceptance and then wider use.


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