Wieland Kestler:
> Hi everyone!
> Due to the discussion in the german OSM-Telegram-group I made a proposal for 
> tagging
> points where people can buy e.g. game (meat) directly from the forester.

What does "directly" mean?

That forester probably did not shoot the animal himself. He most likely is not
allowed to butcher it. And it might not actually be him selling the meat when 
pick it up.

shop=farm might be a stretch for game, although I do know a place selling deer 
that have all the deers inside a big fence.

shop=farm is already used for eggs and honey.
I would also assume that horse dung being sold usually does not come from wild 

As for shop=farm not being permanently available, we have the "opening_hours" 
"seasonal" tags. We can also use shop=farm,openeing_hours="by appointment" if 
is not a shop infrastructure.

> For more details see the proposal page:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/shop%3Ddirect_marketing
> For comments use the discussion page:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Proposed_features/shop%3Ddirect_marketing
> Tanks!
> Wieland
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