On Sun, 27 Sep 2020 at 10:02, Michael Patrick <geodes...@gmail.com>
From: Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com>
Problem 1. "Viewing Service" is the name of a process, not the
of the building or room it takes place in. "Turn left after
the Viewing
Service" > makes no sense, any more than "Turn right after the
prayer" as an alternative to "Turn right after the church."
Mmmm .... I agree, that's my point. 'Chapel of Rest' isn't a place,
at best it
sometimes might be a dedicated room in a funeral establishment.
it is not infrequently the showroom for caskets if a larger
attendance needs to
be accommodated.
It may be as you state it in some cases. It is not true of all.
one where the chapel of rest is a building solely for that purpose:
https://www.colinphillipsfunerals.com/our-services/private-chapel/ [6]
That does not serve any other purpose. It is not his offices or
showroom. I know of another one like that a few miles from it.
Also, a chapel, even in the religious sense, is not necessarily a
separate building. It originally referred to a small room within
a church with its own altar, or a room with an alta in a
non-religious building.
In any case, the proposer seems to feel that chapel of rest
should be used only for dedicated buildings and a different
tag should be added to indicate a funeral director's with a
viewing room.
Problem 2. "Viewing service" implies some sort of formalized
probably religious with a speaker delivering a eulogy. A
Chapel of
Rest is for looking at a dead body, with no formal ceremony.
in complete silence. Possible with only one live person in the
Contrast this with a religious service, which has prayers,
a sermon, bouts of kneeling, etc.
Connotation of 'service' as in 'floral service', embalming service',
'cremation service' or otherwise business task / activity like
'automotive repair service', rather than the religious service
denotation like a mass.
I wouldn't expect a religious service at a florist or a car mechanic.
When it comes
to funerals, however...
From the US Federal Trade Checklist at
Visitation/viewing — staff and facilities __________
Funeral or memorial service — staff and facilities __________
Graveside service, including staff and equipment __________
That's nice. But it's not British English. You can, however, use it
to argue that editor translations for US English should use visitation
for the preset name.
UK funeral industry shows both 'Chapel of Rest', or that term with
visitation / viewing, some just have 'venue rental'. CoR is fairly
Precisely. CoR seems to be the commonest term for it. And less
ambiguous than "visitation" (people visit patients in hospitals) or
"viewing" (people view paintings in art galleries).
Problem 3. I've not encountered that term as a synonym for a
chapel of
rest. But I've not looked very hard. Citation needed.
https://funerals.org/?consumers=read-funeral-home-price-list/ [3]
The first two are in the US. The third gives me a "problem loading
... and hundreds more. Canada seems to be similar to the US.
None of which are renowned for using British English. Again, this is
for editor preset translations.
Viewing / Visitation seem to translate well
زيارة مشاهدة الجنازة ( Arabic ) goes to 'Funeral
watch visit', i.e. it survives round trips through google Translate.
Not pertinent. The general policy is tags use British English. There
is no
requirement that they survive round trips through google translate.
[3] https://funerals.org/?consumers=read-funeral-home-price-list/
[4] https://www.thefuneralsite.com/ResourceCenters/Costs/How_much.html
[6] https://www.colinphillipsfunerals.com/our-services/private-chapel/
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