On 16.09.20 10:30, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
On 15. Sep 2020, at 19:05, Jan Michel<j...@mueschelsoft.de>  wrote:

If you want to tag how much space there is for some kind of vehicle moving in 
some direction, there are the specific width tags like width:lanes, 
sidewalk:width, cycleway:width, shoulder:width, verge:width
and so on.

following your initial statement (all parts), you would include the verges in 
the width?

That's a difficult point. I'm not a friend of the 'verge' tag at all (as opposed to the 'shoulder' which is an area traffic can make use of). It was somehow invented and put to use in 2016, but as far as I know never discussed. I definitely prefer to tag verges as separate objects - even one of the examples in the Wiki shows a ~5m wide park like area with trees to be tagged as verge. I think it's really far-fetched to call this a part of the highway.

To answer your question - no, because I don't see verges as part of the road.

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