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> On 13. Jul 2020, at 00:11, Volker Schmidt <> wrote:
> I do consider a site relation a fitting approach for a city wall.

its use would also go against the wiki definition which states: „ This relation 
is not to be used in cases where the element can be represented by one or more 
areas and neither linear ways nor nodes outside these areas would have to be 
included or excluded from within these areas“

clearly the remains of the Aurelian walls can be nicely  represented by areas. 
Indeed it seems a good representation to map them as buildings, and people 
including myself have started to do it some time ago.

Generally I believe the requirement for a site relation that its constituting 
parts should be in the same town, is not strict enough. A handful of objects 
scattered around in a town are not a „site“. A site means things are 
concentrated around a point, and when there are more things in the other side 
of the town that somehow belonged to it, they would be considered off site, 
i.e. their relationship would come from other aspects, not because they are 
part of the same „site“.

Cheers Martin 
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