Some Qanats are over three thousand years old, and are certainly listed in 
guidebooks.  There is a Qanat system in Persia that is UNESCO listed 

“Modern” Qanats/Karez are still often hand dug, not with modern tunneling 
equipment. The World Bank funded the refurbishment of many in Afghanistan, 
usually these were done with traditional methods, and they are the main source 
of water in many areas.


> On Jun 26, 2020, at 06:52, Paul Allen <> wrote:
>> On Fri, 26 Jun 2020 at 11:25, Martin Koppenhoefer <> 
>> wrote:
>> This would imply "historic" is for things of exceptional historical value,
> That's how I read it.
>> it is not how I read the tag. Almost every man made structure that is "old", 
>> has endured the times and is still here, does have some importance as 
>> testimony of former times.
> Now define "old."  The past began 1E-43 seconds ago.  How far back into
> the past qualifies as "old" to you?  A year?  Ten years?  A hundred years?
> A thousand years?  Or just a few seconds?
>> Any archaeological site is "historic"
> Most archaeological sites in the UK, of any significance, are 
> scheduled monuments giving them legal protection against modification.
> They qualify for heritage=* by virtue of their protected status.
> Other things are historic.  Not just old, but of cultural significance.  Not
> necessarily tourism=attraction but things that are of interest to some
> tourists by virtue of their history.
> Most things are just old.  Even for very large values of "old."
> A lot of the UK's sewer network is old.  Like a qanat, it channels water and
> has vertical shafts.  Little of that network, except some of the very first
> sewers in the UK, is of historical significance.
> Historic is not a synonym for old.  Historic means noteworthy.  Worthy of
> being part of recorded history.  Or, in the case of memorials, a record
> of history.  The sort of thing you find mentioned in a guidebook because
> it is associated with some significant event or personage.  The sort of
> thing that gets an article by the local historical society because it is
> more than just old.
> -- 
> Paul
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