On 5/1/20 12:12 PM, John Willis via Tagging wrote:
There is often overlap where I am where a wetland lives permanently in the bottom of a basin, and the surrounding area is a park or sports field. When there is a storm the basin fills up and wetland, pitch, and parking lot end up under 3m of water for a day or so.

The wetland is not exclusively part of that structure. The basin or intermittent reservoir consumes everything inside of it.


In a lake, some corner of the lake is often a wetland - yet that wetland is 100% the part of the lake. It should be layered IMO. That could happen for a wetland too, right?

I always thought of the lake as part of the wetland - but now you open my mind to the reverse...

What I'm attempting to tag is seasonal Sahelian lakes, the core of which is often permanent, surrounded by a humidity gradient of swamp and mudflats - often surrounded by vegetable gardens. Indeed, the whole area is what is often designated as "lake something"... Would that be the correct way or is the lake the water body stricto sensu ?

Then comes the question of of to tag - but that part of the answer I guess is multipolygon too.

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