On 1/5/20 9:14 am, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Fri, 1 May 2020 at 01:25, Florian Lohoff <f...@zz.de <mailto:f...@zz.de>> wrote:

    I also do consider overlapping natural and landuses to be a bug,
    either its a natural=scrub or a landuse=farmland. It cant be both.

Sorry, Florian, but why do you say that?

I've seen a lot of farms with scrub on them!

And trees used as wind breaks and to provide shelter for animals (both 'farm' and 'natural').

A problem is the OSM definition may suggest only those areas used for tillage are 'farmland'.

Vast areas of Australia are used to raise cattle, no tillage yet they are 'used' for farm land. And they are natural scrub...

Some areas are used for both military (a rocket range) and for farming (they get bunkers for use when firing takes place!). They are natural=scrub/sand/lake (dry salt)/*.

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