Like Dave, I am not sure that I see a huge issue with a name and a reference 
duplicating each other (or at least overlapping).
Names and References are essentially doing the same job; they identify 
"things"; they are proper nouns.
We probably expect a name to be a word (or words) and a reference to be an 
alphanumeric string that is not a word (or words), but that is not always the 
case.  That big mountain is called "K2"; that is its name. Clearly, there are 
many cases where name and reference are different and are both required - 
e.g.Name: Watling Street; Ref: A5.  (Mind you, perhaps "A5" should be the name 
of a route relation, which includes a stretch of road called "Watling Street", 
so that may be a poor example) 
In other cases names may include words and numbers (e.g. I don't think that 
National Cycle Network Route 51 has any other name).  One could then say that 
"NCN 51" is an abbreviated name and not a reference.  AFAIK, there is not an 
accepted tag for an abbreviated name,  so (I assume) mappers have used the ref= 
tag for this (after all it looks like a reference), which gives us:  
name=National Cycle Network Route 51; ref=NCN 51.  
Is that really a problem?

>Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 20:28:30 +0000
>From: Dave F <>
>Subject: Re: [Tagging] Route names that aren’t names
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
>>On 28/03/2020 18:18, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
>> Hello folks,
>> Route relation names aren’t in a great state, are they?
>> Let’s say that I want to render cycle route names on a map (because, well, I 
>> do). I zoom in on a way along the East Coast of Britain and I find it’s a 
>> member of this route:
>>  name=NCN National Route 1
>> Hm, ok. That’s not the name of the route, it’s a duplication of the ref (and 
>> network)

><scratches head>
>I'm not sure I'm seeing the problem. What /is/ the "actual" name for UK 
>cycle routes?
>NCN 4 is named as National Cycle Network Route 4 as that's what Sustran 
>call it.
>I'm not convinced names & refs *have* to be mutually exclusive.


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