In Portuguese it's "Praça", similar to Piazza, which comes from the
Latin "platea".
Depending on its size and location, it can be named officially as
"Praça", "Largo"or "Praceta".

The English description of place=square in iD is empty.

Às 21:41 de 22/03/2020, Joseph Eisenberg escreveu:
Curious: what is the translation used in Portuguese?

Do you also know the English description of place=square used in iD?

On 3/23/20, António Madeira <> wrote:
I agree that the place=square needs some kind of polishing, specially
regarding name tag, which should be mandatory.
In Portugal, the definition of square can have three meanings, depending
on its size and region, but it's easy to map them because they all have

The problem with iD can be its translation/localization. The Portuguese
community had to discuss what was the best translation so that newbies
could get it right more often via iD.
Maybe this must be done also in Germany.

Às 10:46 de 22/03/2020, Tom Pfeifer escreveu:
Yes there is inconsistent use of place=square, in particular for
_unnamed_ objects.
As the place=* key is used to indicate that a particular location is
known by a particular name,
a place=* tag without a name is fundamentally wrong.

(As the world is not black and white, there might be exceptions.)

In Germany alone I found >600 such taggings, and all I probed were:

1. not squares as in the definition, but small and insignificant paved
surfaces, like a round piece of footway in a park, the service yard of
a fire station, or similar.

2. they were all added by the iD editor, typically since 2018.

Thus my assumption is that place=square is suggested in an iD preset
to unsuitable features.
Could somebody with sufficient iD insight check what that preset
suggests, and why it does not ask for names?

Further I recommend that everybody checks their area for place=square
_without a name_, evaluate what it is and adjust the tagging. This can
not (!) be done mechanically, besides the issues with mechanical
edits, because the correct tagging will differ (e.g. highway=service +
area=yes; or highway=footway + area=yes), or the tag was correct
indeed and the name has been forgotten.

Query for unnamed square in a bounding box:

I also suggest to update wiki descriptions of place=* tags, upgrading
the "name=*" from "useful combination" to "required", and add that to


On 21.03.2020 01:32, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
A few of us have been updating the Tag:place=square page, and Square:
Unfortunately, this tag has been used rather inconsistently around the
world, often for any feature that includes the word "square" or a
translation of that word, or which might be considered similar in the
local language.

Some poorly mapped examples are shown on github:



Check if any of the place=square features in your area should instead
be junction=yes (for a named street intersection or road junction) or
leisure=park or place=neighborhood.
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